Acupuncture is as non-conventional medicine (same as osteopathy, chiropractic and homeopathy) partially repaid within the supplementary health insurance for your health insurance. This means that you as a patient gets partially reimbursed a limited number of treatments from your health insurance.
How much you will be reimbursed per treatment and how many treatments you will get reimbursed varies from insurance to insurance. Please contact your health insurance or the secretariat of the Belgian Federation Acupunctors.
Sometimes supplemental insurance also come between the cost of an acupuncture treatment in addition to the benefit that you get your health insurance. (Pre and post hospitalization, at a sports -or accident).
Consultation | 30mins | € 140 |
Acupuncture | 45mins | € 140 |
Deluxe Acupuncture Therapy* | 75mins | € 280 |
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) | 45mins | € 140 |
* Including
Structural correction (fascia therapy)
Mental healing(psychological trauma therapy)
Energy balance(pulse diagnosis therapy)
Cancellation Policy:
Cancel/reschedule appointment at least 48 hours in advance,In case of late notice or no show, one time fee €80 will be charged.